Do No Evil My Foot!
2005-08-12 10:25 - Web
So, it's rather famous that google's policy involves doing no evil. But there are plenty cases where exactly that has happened, and is happening. Take this case.
I was trying to post a link, which I found with google. Instead of the address shown in my status bar when hovering the link, I got some google tracking redirect nonsense. What the?! So, let's dig into the HTML source. I had done a google search for vertical center css and I could tell the first result was what I wanted. I pointed my mouse at the link and saw it was what I wanted. I right clicked and said copy link, and then went to my other tab to paste it and this came out (minus the spaces so it will wrap lines): url=http%3A// ei=NK_8Qte6EMKwaqiU4EM
What the ?!
So here's the actual source (abridged and formatted a bit):
<script> <!-- function rwt(el,ct,cd,sg){ el.href="/url?sa=t&ct=" + escape(ct) + "&cd=" + escape(cd) + "&url=" + escape(el.href).replace(/\+/g,"%2B") + "&ei=CLD8QuKDMcfqaNHm8Rg" + sg; el.onmousedown=""; return true; } //--> </script> .... <p class=g> <a href="" onmousedown="return rwt(this,'res','1','')"> <b>Vertical</b> Centering in <b>CSS</b> ....
Yes, so, they have javascript code running that will blatanty decieve the user into thinking they are clicking a regular link, but just as the mouse gets clicked, bait-and-switch out the url to something that will somewhat secretly track your activity. Not good google, not good!
So, I have modified my Straight Click script to counter these actions. Not only does it remove redirections from normal links, it cuts out this particular bait-and-switch method. The straight click script has been replaced by PrivaSuite. Bad google!!!
2005-10-10 02:42 - wimdelange
Two other problems, my previous registration with wdelange was not working? and That verify is a little bit annoying. Sometimes the code is hard to read or guess.....